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Creative arts


There is significance for 3D printing used in the cultural and creative industries, especially in the field of cultural relics and high-end art. First of all, the technology can establish a true and accurate and complete 3D digital archive for the one and only the cultural relics and works of art. It can print out digital model with 3D printing technology whenever and wherever possible. Second, 3D printing technology replaces the traditional manual molding process. It improve the quality and manufacturing efficiency. It can work in editing, zoom, copying direct and accurate for the real piece. It can realize small batch production efficiency and to promote the dissemination and exchange of culture. Third, the technology has brought a large number of cross-border integration and creates opportunities, especially more vast space of creation to the field of art artists. In the development of derivatives and high-end art heritage replication repair effect is very obvious. It is a revolutionary progress for industry.

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