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3D printing is a popular technique in the 21st century and now we can even 3D print wax piece and some finished product. (Of course that also needs some post processing). Will there be any impact on the traditional jewelry casting workshop? Is it able to print jewelry directly by 3D printing? How is the prospect of this field?

Our VANSHAPE 3D printers use advanced DLP technology. It has excellent performance in strength and toughness, and can print ultra high precision model to ensure the smoothness of the model surface. The rapid printing speed can meet the requirements of continuous production of precision parts, so it is especially suitable for jewelry designers who have small size and high requirements for details. Casting resin can achieve 100% burning out, no residue, and ensure the casting effect comparable to wax; High strength resin can be directly make rubber model as the usual mold making, also the liquid silicone mold as well. The products are divided into 3 models, Pro100, Pro150, Pro200.

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